marketing 101, understanding marketing basics, and fundamentals

every organization has customers regardless of whether you’re a commercial for-profit firm or a non-profit all companies must be seen as relevant to those customers if they want to survive marketing then is getting customers to believe that your products and services are important and that they deliver a better value than the competition’s smart …

Steve Jobs’ amazing marketing strategy – MUST WATCH

to me marketing’s about values this is a very complicated world it’s a very noisy world and we’re not going to get a chance to get people to remember much about us no company is and so we have to be really clear on what we want them to know about us now Apple fortunately …

95% of You Will Ignore This 2018 Marketing Strategy | Business Squared Keynote in Australia

(woman announcing speaker) (audience cheering) – Hi. – Woo! – What up, Brisbane? (audience cheering) Sit, sit sit, let’s do this. – Let’s do it! – Brisbane! (audience laughing) Thank you so much for that intro, super excited to be here. It’s been a long week, New York to Oslo, to Copenhagen, to Moscow, to …